Mea culpa Maxima, j'ai un gros soucis avec TS.
/Mode auto flagellation ON
Excuse moi Auryn, tu avais raison
pour une fois/Mode auto flagellation OFF
En fait le probleme ne vient pas de TS, ni de mon micro mais de mon mixer audio.
Même quand ce MFSOB de casque micro est débranché, vous avez de l'Echo car mon chipset son renvoi tout ce qui passe par ma carte son dans le module d'enregistrement.
J'ai trouvé ça, que je testerai un soir avec un volontaire consentant.
These echos are produced by your sound-drivers, they should be
configurable by your driver too (its not a bug, its a feature). From
windows users We have often heard you can select from which devices to
record in the mixer (a mixer is the place where you can slide all these
volume controls). Make sure the microphone is the only entry that is
being recorded from. How exactly this is called, and where exactly you
can find it depends on your driver/OS combination, you just have to
search around. Good luck.
Alternate Solution:Dealing with the TeamSpeak "Echo" problem:
- Step 1: Doubleclick the speaker ("Volume") icon in your system tray. This brings up your "Play Control".
- Step 2:
Select "Mute" for "Microphone" and then select "Options" >
"Properties" > "Recording" and make sure microphone is selected in
the device list, then hit "OK". This brings up your "Recording Control"
dialog and you should make sure "Microphone" is selected.
Mais si vous avez d'autres idées ou soluces, je suis preneur !
Note pour plus tard: En attendant que le probleme soit résolu, ne pas regarder "Debby a des gros seins" quand je suis sous Team Speak.